
Ukraine in TCG: situation at the negotiations on Donbass is close to a deadlock 10/17/2018 15:12:30. Total views 1135. Views today — 0.

Negotiations within the framework of the Trilateral Contact Group are close to a deadlock, and Russia is seeking to freeze the conflict. This opinion was expressed in the framework of discussion "What peacekeeping mission is necessary for Ukraine?" in Kyiv on Wednesday representative of Ukraine in the working subgroup on political issues of the TCG for resolving the situation in the east of Ukraine Oleksandr Motsyk, - Interfax-Ukraine reports.

"The 97th round of talks has passed. In fact, the situation is close to a deadlock and all because of the position of the Russian Federation… which does not want to go towards the normal process of settling the process by diplomatic means, but wants to freeze the situation existing there", - he said.

Motsyk also told that in the framework of the TCG, it was impossible to persuade the Russian party to cancel the holding of illegal elections in the territory of CDDLO.

"We could not persuade Russia to cancel the elections that it wants to hold in the occupied territories on November 11… We also could not agree at a meeting of deputy protocol advisors to the leaders of four countries to hold a summit before the end of this year", - he informed.

Moreover, according to Motsyk, the Russian party does not want to go towards the creation of a separate group in the framework of the TCG on border issues.