
Ammunition depot of "LNR" militants exploded: 14 dead and wounded, 4 IFVs burnt 08/15/2018 13:25:14. Total views 979. Views today — 0.

Four "LNR" militants were killed and 10 were injured in an explosion at ammunition depot near Zholobok settlement in the occupied Luhansk region. The incident took place on Tuesday evening. This was reported by Luhansk separatist Nikolay Vulich, familiar with the operational situation, in his blog.

"Today, 14.08.18 at 8.30 p.m., an explosion of ammunition took place at the position 4 of the separate motor rifle brigade near Zholobok. We have heavy losses – 4 IFVs were burned completely, 4 of our guys were killed and about 10 received injures of various degrees of severity. The cause of this tragedy is being determined", - he wrote.

In turn, the source of OstroV in the occupied Luhansk region confirmed the fact of fire at the depot. According to him, the accident was caused by the failure to comply with security measures against the background of group drinking. "Half of the motor rifle battalion were drunk", - the source clarified.