
Deputies pre-approved amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in the part of justice 02/02/2016 16:32:23. Total views 2569. Views today — 0.

The Verkhovna Rada adopted the amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in the part of justice, – reports the correspondent of OstroV.

244 deputies voted for the decision.

"After the conclusion of the Constitutional Courtб no alteration can be made in the document," - said the head of the committee on legal policy and justice Ruslan Knyazevich.

According to him, these amendments to the Constitution provide to deprive the parliament of influence on the judiciary.

The draft law contains provisions on the elimination of judicial immunity, the automatic resignation of the judge in the case of failure in re-certification, significantly increases the transparency in the selection of judicial personnel and significantly increases the responsibility of judges for perversion of justice.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko introduced a revised version of the draft law on January 26th, which reserves the right of the parliament to express distrust to the Attorney General and force him to resign. The original version of the document deprived the parliament of this right.

Earlier the Constitutional Court of Ukraine approved the revised draft amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in the part of justice.

The final voting for amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in the part of justice has to take place at the next session of the Verkhovna Rada.