
Most discriminatory norms are applied to IDPs in Ukraine - OPORA 06/26/2018 17:26:46. Total views 1179. Views today — 0.

The most discriminatory norms are applied to IDPs in comparison with other categories of citizens, since this group of the population does not have electoral power. This was stated during the "Hearing invisible voters" national forum in Kyiv on Tuesday by analyst of OPORA Oleksandr Kliuzhev, - Interfax-Ukraine reports.

"We will not find any other such group of citizens from 2014, against which such discriminatory norms are applied", - he said.

He stressed that no other category of citizens received such incoherent and tough state policy.

In his opinion, such situation is due to the fact that this group of the population does not have electoral power. In particular, we are talking about the right to vote and pension provision.

"Regarding the situation with the bill No.6240 (on the voting rights of IDPs - ed.), frankly speaking, there is no reason to be a big optimist if thinking about its adoption before the presidential elections", - O.Kliuzhev added.