
Ukrainian ombudswoman yet again demanded that Russia let her visit the Ukrainian political prisoners 06/25/2018 16:00:16. Total views 916. Views today — 0.

The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova has yet again demanded that Russia let her visit the Ukrainian political prisoners. The ombudswoman wrote that on Facebook.

“The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry had again asked the Russian authorities to provide me with access to the Ukrainian political prisoners, citizens of Ukraine held in Russia and Crimea. Lawyers and Russian authorities provide contradicting pieces of information about conditions of Sentsov and Volodymyr Balukh. They are said to be at a hunger strike, or - vice versa, that they ceased to starve and now gain weight due to taking nutrition mixtures. They turned down the request to speak to Sentsov via video conference and provided no photos”, - the Ukrainian official wrote.

Denisova says she is outraged by the fact that the Russian authorities keep convincing the global community that "everything is fine with the Ukrainian political prisoners", while the defense lawyers are saying the opposite. "This raises huge concerns and the mistrust. I should see Sentsov and Balukh on my own as they continue to starve. I should meet Oleksandr Kolchenko, Stanislav Klykh, Roman Sushchenko... I demand that Russia let me visit the Ukrainian political prisoners!", - she said.