
"Last week was the worst during this year". The OSCE told about the escalation of conflict in the Donbass 05/21/2018 16:10:01. Total views 717. Views today — 0.

Last week, the OSCE SMM has recorded nearly 7700 ceasefire violations. This was announced at a briefing in Kyiv today by Principal Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE SMM to Ukraine Alexander Hug, - correspondent of OstroV reports.

"Last week was the worst during this year in terms of many indicators. In general, we recorded almost 7700 violations of the ceasefire regime. On some days, the level of violence resembled that stage of the conflict which we thought was far back in the past. On Wednesday night and in early morning on Thursday, the observers heard almost 500 explosions and almost 860 shots from a large-caliber machine gun and small arms in Svitlodarsk", - he reported.

According to him, the situation in Horlivka, where "a relatively quiet situation prevailed for a long time", caused particular concern.

"On Thursday night and in early morning on Friday, this calm left no trace. Our observers at the advanced patrol base in Horlivka heard almost 140 explosions", - Hug said.

The Principal Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE SMM to Ukraine also expressed concern about the use of multiple artillery rocket systems.

"The use of these weapons in settlements is merciless and murderous", - he said.