
"There are no problems". Groysman states no delays in paying pensions 05/18/2018 16:54:19. Total views 906. Views today — 0.

All Ukrainian pensioners receive the pension timely. This was announced by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman in the Verkhovna Rada today during an hour of questions to the government, - correspondent of OstroV reports.

"When you say that there is a delay for pensioners, at least say where. It is not right, colleague. We have almost 12 million pensioners who receive their pensions in time, tell us exactly what pension fund has a problem – it is possible to correct it administratively", - Groysman said, answering the question of MP Oleksandr Dolzhenkov about the delay in pension payments.

"There are no problems with the payment of pensions", – the prime minister stressed.

Let us recall that in early May, many IDPs did not receive a pension in time.

As previously reported, the Ministry of Social Policy stated that the pension arrears to the displaced persons would be paid by installments.

Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers passed Resolution No. 335 "On Amendments to Resolution No. 365 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 8, 2016" and, according to the adopted amendments, the pension payments will be restored on application of the pensioner only from the month of application, and not from the moment of termination of such payment.