
Inter disgraced itself by statement about the streets in Ukraine, named after the "fascist criminals" 05/08/2018 12:50:31. Total views 865. Views today — 0.

The released fragments of concert on the Victory Day on May 9, which will be shown by Inter TV channel, has drawn criticism of Internet users because of the words of presenters about the renaming of streets in Ukraine "by the names of fascist criminals", - Radio Liberty reports.

"Eight million Ukrainians died at the hands of the fascist invaders. This is our story. This is our inherited memory", - presenter Anastasia Daugule says on the released fragment.

"And today, we cannot allow the streets of our cities to be named after the fascist criminals, and their portraits to be carried with impunity during torchlight processions in our capital, where every meter was blood-soaked by our compatriots", - another presenter, Andriy Domansky answers.

"And let it sometimes seems to us that everything is against us, that we are strangers in our country, but it is not so. There are a lot of us - hundreds of us in this hall and millions near the TV screens… We bring flowers to the eternal flame on May 9, we annually restore monuments to the soldiers died in the war against fascism", - the presenters continue saying.

As reported, in the course of decommunization, a number of streets, avenues and squares in Ukraine are given new names. Some of them bear the names of leaders of the nationalist movement, such as head of the OUN Stepan Bandera, commander of the UPA Roman Shukhevych and others. Russian propaganda and the fifth column in Ukraine, drawing attention to individual episodes of the activity of structures headed by these nationalists, accuses Bandera and Shukhevych of collaborating with the fascists, ignoring their role in the national liberation movement of the Ukrainian people.