
Rada decided that to adopt amendments to the Constitution not at the next session but after one 01/28/2016 16:22:26. Total views 1545. Views today — 0.

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine changed rules of procedure of the Ukrainian parliament in regard to prior approval and adoption of the draft law on amendments to the Basic Law of Ukraine. Interfax-Ukraine reports about it.

229 deputies voted in the first reading and generally or the law (№3812), taking into account the proposals of the profile committee in the morning session on Thursday.

In particular, legislators confirmed in the rules of Parliament procedure a regulation as follows: "If a draft law to amend the Constitution ... was pre-approved by the Verkhovna Rada and has not been considered at the next regular session after prior approval, such a draft law will be considered by the Verkhovna Rada at the next ordinary session".

However, parliamentarians excluded a regulation from the draft law before the voting that the newly elected parliament would be allowed to pass the draft law on amendments to the Constitution, which had previously been approved by the parliament of the previous convocation, but the voting on the adoption of which hasn’t generally been carried out. The current regulation provides that a draft law on amending the Constitution, which had previously been approved by the parliament of the previous convocation, if no voting has been held for its adoption in general, newly elected Verkhovna Rada can not vote. The document shall be considered to be not accepted.

As reported, the Verkhovna Rada preliminarily approved the draft law (№2217a /P1) on August 31st. According to the legislation, a draft law to amend the Constitution, which has been pre-approved by the majority of the constitutional composition of Parliament shall be considered as adopted if at least 300 deputies vote for it at the next regular session of the Verkhovna Rada. However, according to experts, there is no need for 300 votes, as most of the deputies believe that special status SDDLR of will be legalized in this way.