
About a third of Crimean residents have already taken a position of resistance - Ponomarev 03/29/2018 15:55:49. Total views 1135. Views today — 0.

About a third of the inhabitants of the annexed Crimea have already taken a position of resistance to the occupation regime. The former State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev told this in an interview with OstroV, commenting on the results of the Russian presidential election, which also took place in the occupied peninsula.

According to him, the inhabitants of the peninsula with an anti-war position, including the Crimean Tatars, did not take part in the voting. At the same time, "all the servicemen (now there are many of them there) came", as well as citizens who moved from Russia to permanent residence in the Crimea. "However, with all this, the Crimea failed to reach the pseudo referendum turnout, which means that about a third of the residents have already taken a position of resistance. There were likely fewer of such opinion at the beginning of the occupation", - he said.