
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 03/27/2018 13:40:22. Total views 1184. Views today — 1.

"Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the LNR" Vladislav Danego: We hope that the "Easter truce" will begin the implementation of steps to completely abandon the attempts to resolve the conflict in an armed manner and to move towards the implementation of political steps of the settlement envisaged by the Minsk agreements".

Media: "In Donetsk, the "Ukrainian People's Tribunal" for Poroshenko's regime war crimes against Ukrainian citizens heard the first group of victims at the first working meeting on March 26. Charges were brought against eight representatives of Poroshenko's regime – Poroshenko himself, as well as Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksandr Turchynov, Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman, Chief of the General Staff Viktor Muzhenko, Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy and former Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. After the implementation of the Minsk agreements, the decision of the tribunal will form the basis of the verdict and the criminals will be prosecuted".

"Acting Minister of Labor and Social Policy of the DNR" Larisa Tolstykina: "The DNR gave more than 32 thousand food packages to the needy families of the republic since the beginning of the year".

Media: "The doctors of Torez presented 10 proposals for the development of healthcare system of the DNR".

"First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of the DNR" Dmitriy Konakov: "Do not forget that the priority task facing the farmers of the DNR is ensuring the food security of the republic. Special attention should be paid to our agricultural producers, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for them to develop and, accordingly, pay taxes to the state budget".

"The LNR Ministry of Emergency Situations": "The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the LNR does not see the prerequisites for spring floods in the republic".

"Donetsk City Administration": "67 children were born in Donetsk in the period from March 19 to March 26: 38 boys and 29 girls".

"Luhansk City Administration": "57 children were born in Luhansk in the period from March 18 to March 25: 26 boys and 31 girls".

"The DNR MIA": "From March 24 to March 25, law enforcers of the DNR conducted a "Night City" operation in the republic, as a result of which 348 people were detained at the curfew".

"The DNR MIA": "Law-enforcement officers discovered grenades from two townspeople in the city of Kirovske in the course of operative preventive training. RGD-5 ball grenade with a fuse was seized from a local resident during a personal inspection. Another ammunition - F-1 ball grenade - was found at the place of residence of a 30-year-old citizen".

"The LNR MIA": "The LNR residents voluntarily surrendered more than 4000 units of weapon and ammunition over the day".

"Prosecutor General's Office of the LNR": "The Prosecutor's Office of the city of Rovenki established a violation of the requirements of the LNR Labor Code regarding the payment of wages by the leadership of OOO Nefteprodukt. Based on the results of the prosecutor's office, the employees of OOO were paid wage arrears totaling $10.3 thousand".

"The DNR MIA": "Employees of the Yenakiieve city police department of the DNR detained a drunken 43-year-old violator of the curfew. During a personal inspection, they discovered the Kalashnikov assault rifle and 30 rounds of ammunition. The suspect explained that he found weapons in the territory of one of the mines after the setback of the AFU and kept it for self-defense".