
Deputy governor of Donetsk Remsky was paid more than Poroshenko and Groysman combined 03/20/2018 17:26:48. Total views 903. Views today — 0.

Viktor Remsky, Deputy Chairman of the Donetsk Military Civil Administration, declared almost $32.2 thousand of salary for 2017. This follows from his electronic declaration, published on the website of the National agency on corruption prevention.

Thus, the monthly salary of the official amounted to almost $2.680 per month.

This is almost twice as much as the salary of Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, who in 2017 received $13.260 and $12.700, respectively.

It is interesting that the salary of Remsky almost doubled compared with 2016. So, according to the electronic declaration, Remsky received $16.015 in 2016, whereas in 2017 - $32.140.

OstroV has already appealed to the Donetsk Military Civil Administration with a request to clarify the reason for the growth of the official’s salary.