
Deputy Head of OSCE mission to Ukraine horrified crossing emergency bridge in Stanytsia Luhanska (Photo) 03/05/2018 17:48:05. Total views 1661. Views today — 0.

Alyoshka Simkich, Deputy Head of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, crossed the bridge in Stanytsia Luhanska, where she saw horrifying conditions that more than 6 thousand people encounter every day when crossing the contact line. This is written by press service of the organization on Facebook.

Temporary wooden constructions connecting the broken bridge — the only entry-exit checkpoint in the entire Luhansk oblast — were repaired in December 2017. The OSCE SMM facilitated the conduct of these activities and carried out appropriate monitoring.

However, the condition of the constructions has deteriorated significantly, and along with the changeable weather conditions that still prevail in the area, this again led to the fact that it is extremely dangerous to cross the bridge. This is especially true for older people and people with disabilities, many of whom must regularly make such trips to the government-controlled areas to get social benefits.

"The citizens of Ukraine, especially the most vulnerable of them, have the rights, including the social benefits they owe, regardless of their place of residence in Ukraine. High-priority task of the authorities and those who exercise actual control should be to ensure the right to exercise these rights and access to them either through a repaired and more secure bridge in Stanytsia Luhanska, or through additional checkpoints of entry and exit", - the Deputy Head of the Mission noted.