
"Postal service" of the CDDLO began producing washing powder and plans to produce sweets 02/05/2018 17:34:00. Total views 1018. Views today — 0.

"Postal service of Donbass", operating in the occupied part of the Donetsk oblast, began producing washing powder, separatist media reports.

"Washing powder is the first product of the brand of SE "Postal service of Donbass". Simple and convenient packaging, and most importantly - an ideal price-quality ratio. To date, the product is available in all post offices of the republic", - the report says.

A 300-gram package costs $2.7. It is stated that the washing powder "does not contain phosphates, phosphonates, zeolites, chlorine and toxic substances, is safe to use and does not cause allergic reactions". However, judging by the reaction of Donetsk residents, not every family is ready to use this powder for their washing machines.

At the same time, "Postal service of Donbass" plans to expand the range of goods and establish the production of jelly sweets using raw materials of plant origin.