
IMF will give Ukraine money only in case of market gas prices and launch of Anti-Corruption Court 02/01/2018 15:14:20. Total views 1199. Views today — 0.

The adoption of bill on the anti-corruption court and bringing the gas prices to the market level are conditions for the completion of review of the Extended Fund Facility for Ukraine and the allocation of loan tranche. This was reported by chief representative of the IMF in Ukraine Goesta Ljungman, - Interfax-Ukraine writes.

According to him, the goal for the introduction of market prices on the gas market is to avoid artificial segmenting of the market separately for households and for industry.

"There are concrete conditions and they are to be met. These are achievable goals and the IMF hopes that they would be met soon", - Ljungman said.

He noted that among other tasks is retaining of inflation, the flexible exchange rate for supporting competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy. He appraised the increase of the refinancing rate by the National Bank of Ukraine.

Ljungman added that Ukraine's forex reserves grew by $6.5 billion - to $19 billion, although they should be boosted more - to $30 billion to protect the country from external shocks.

Furthermore, the IMF representative called to stick to growth of labor efficiency in the salary increase policy, as extra increase in salaries would harm stable growth.

As reported, in Washington, finance minister Oleksandr Danylyuk could not agree with the IMF on the gas price for the current heating season.

The IMF flatly refused to change the conditions for determining the gas price for the population for the heating season 2017-2018, previously agreed with the government of Ukraine, which should lead to an increase of 17.6%.

It was reported earlier that the International Monetary Fund nominated 4 requirements to Ukraine for obtaining the next tranche.

It was reported that the National Bank was awaiting the receipt of the next tranche of the International Monetary Fund under the EFF program in the first quarter of 2018, and not at the end of 2017, as it was previously expected.