
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 01/12/2018 13:00:11. Total views 929. Views today — 0.

Media: "The situation on the contact line in the Donbass remains difficult. This was stated by Head of the DNR Alexander Zakharchenko at a press conference in Donetsk. "The situation is complicated, it is prebattle", - Zakharchenko said".

Media: "Elections for the post of Head of the DNR will be held in the fall of 2018. This was stated by leader of the republic Alexander Zakharchenko".

"The LNR Ministry of State Security": "The LNR Ministry of State Security together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs suppressed the intelligence activity of ACF (Action contre la Faime (Action Against Hunger), headquarters in Paris) unregistered foreign humanitarian organization, which operated in the territory of the LNR in the interests of Ukrainian special services. In violation of the LNR legislation, ACF, central office of the Ukrainian branch of which is located in Kyiv, operated under the cover of People's Mutual Assistance Luhansk non-governmental organization, collecting information about sociopolitical and economic situation in the republic. In the course of conducting special investigation activities, individuals who assist foreign organizations were identified and detained. Employees of the Ministry of State Security and the MIA seized contracts, correspondence, reports on the conduct of sociological researches and other documents, confirming unlawful activity. Stamps of commercial enterprises, sham contracts for the purchase of food and other goods, which were purchased at the expense of foreign sponsors to provide allegedly humanitarian aid to the residents of republic, were also found during the search".

Media: "Head of the DNR Alexander Zakharchenko stated that the authorities of the DNR and South Ossetia decided to develop interstate cooperation in the military and banking sectors".

Media: "Head of the DNR Alexander Zakharchenko stated that 2018 would be the year of the history of Donbass. "In 2018, the main topic is the history of Donbass. The decree is signed. This topic is connected with the Donetsk-Kryvyj Rih Republic. We must remember our roots and our history", - he said".

"The DNR Minister of Communications" Victor Viktor Yatsenko: "The work of MTS-Ukraine mobile operator was disrupted in the Republic as a result of cable damage by the Ukrainian security forces near the village of Olenivka to the south of Donetsk".

"The LNR Ministry of Communications and Mass Media": "Vodafone mobile operator, previously known as MTS-Ukraine, completely stopped working in the territory of the LNR because of a cable break in the DNR".

"The LNR Ministry of Communications and Mass Media": "On January 18 and January 23, Broadcasting, Radio Communication and Television Company state-owned enterprise will hold equipment repair works, in connection with which the broadcasting of Luhansk-24 TV channel will be temporarily stopped in Luhansk and Chornukhyne".

"The DNR Ministry of Justice": "In order to ensure the functions of the DNR Ministry of Justice for providing legal support to citizens who applied to the issue of the pensions payment termination by Ukraine to persons living in the territory of the Republic, the Ministry drafted a statement of claim for recognizing such actions as unlawful".

Media: "Employees of the LNR State Committee for Land Relations conducted 978 inspections in 2017 and discharged penalties for $65 thousand, which is 9 times higher than in 2016".

Media: "For three years, customs officers of the LNR seized goods from smugglers worth about $1 million".

Media: "The LNR State Customs Committee increased the number of employees eight times over three years. This was stated by chairman of the department Andrey Karpak".

Media: "The People's Council of the LNR simplified customs procedures when importing goods into the territory of the republic".

"The DNR MIA": "For 2017, state traffic police of the DNR fined drivers for violations of traffic rules for $967 thousand".

"The DNR MIA": "During the day, law enforcement officers discovered and seized about 240 units of weapon and ammunition from the population".