
Talks on UN peacekeepers in Donbass failed due to Russia's opposition - Yelchenko 01/09/2018 13:16:26. Total views 831. Views today — 0.

The UN Security Council was ready to begin work on the mandate of a peacekeeping force in Donbass, but Russia rejected virtually all important provisions. Ukraine's Ambassador to the UN Volodymyr Yelchenko said this in an interview with the Yevropeiska Pravda.

"The Security Council was really ready to begin work on the mandate of a peacekeeping operation, but Russia rejected virtually all important provisions and returned to its idea of a strange operation where UN peacekeepers would guard OSCE observers", - Yelchenko said.

According to him, peacekeepers should be deployed on the state border between Ukraine and Russia, but Russia rejects this option.

"And this is the 'red line' that nobody will ever cross. Therefore, it seems to me that there will be no progress in this matter in the near future. There was a chance indeed, but Russia did not use it or did not allow it to be used", - Yelchenko stressed.

The ambassador added that, in his opinion, Russia initially did not want a UN peacekeeping force to be deployed in Donbass.

"I think it was just a game... They need either the preservation of the current situation or the so-called 'peacekeeping' operation on Russian terms that would freeze this conflict for many decades. After all, we would have received a peacekeeping operation with which we would not know what to do and how to get it out of there", - he said.

As previously reported, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Ukraine must negotiate with the “LNR/ DNR” militants for the deployment of the UN peacekeepers.