
Ukrainian banks considered the least reliable in the world - the study of the WEF 01/21/2016 18:23:59. Total views 1191. Views today — 0.

The index of reliability of Ukrainian banks is considered to be the worst in the world. This is evidenced by the results of the study of the Global Competitiveness Repor of the World Economic Forum - reports 112. ua.

Ukraine took 79th place out of 140 countries in the global ranking of competitiveness.

The first place was taken by Switzerland, the second by Singapore, the third by the USA.

"At the same time Ukrainian banks were the worst in the reliability rating, taking the 140th place," - said the statement.

Canadian banks were recognized as the most reliable, the second place was taken by the Finnish ones.

In addition to the rating of banks, Ukraine received poor results in the ranking of 140 countries in terms of:

State institutions – 130th place;

Accountability – 130th;

Quality of roads – 132nd;

Changes in the inflation year for the year – 134th;

Effectiveness of anti-monopoly policy – 136th;

Regulation of the stock exchanges – 135th.

During preparation of this document the economy of each country is assessed according to twelve groups of indicators, among which there is the ability of innovations, infrastructure and health care. Thus, the overall assessment of the results is results on 114 indicators and considered in the report as the Global Competitiveness Index.