
A country or money. Member of Merkel's CDU and the EU criticize Poroshenko for lack of implementation of anti-corruption policies 12/20/2017 16:03:31. Total views 898. Views today — 0.

MP of the Bundestag from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Norbert Roettgen has criticized Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko for the current state of affairs in Ukraine around the fight against corruption, according to DW.

The German politician said to Germany's Bild that Ukrainian President "must decide whether he wants to be president or an oligarch – a country or money". He also stressed that Ukraine needs to take "decisive steps" against the spread of corruption. "And it starts with the leadership of the state", - he said.

At the same time, another representative of the CDU, MEP Elmar Brok, noted the lack of implementation of anti-corruption policies in Ukraine.

"There is no comprehensive implementation of anti-corruption measures", - Bild quoted Brok. Berlin believes that it is particularly significant that the attempts of pressure on the National Anti-corruption Bureau (NABU) whose work is backed by the West are still seen in Ukraine.

European Commissioner for the European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn also gave a negative comment on the situation with corruption in Ukraine. According to him, the latest developments around the fight against corruption in Ukraine are unacceptable. At the same time, he recalled that economic assistance to Ukraine by Brussels was pegged to the fulfillment of certain conditions by Kyiv, including the fight against corruption.

The publication also reports on the alleged visit of a representative of Germany and the EU to Kyiv next week in order to inform Poroshenko about "all seriousness of the situation". However, there were no official confirmation of these reports from Berlin or Brussels.