
Eurodeputy called to boycott the World Cup in Russia 12/04/2017 12:18:30. Total views 958. Views today — 0.

Deputy of the European Parliament Rebecca Harms has called on politicians and visitors to boycott the World Cup in Russia. She stated this in an interview with German Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, - LB.ua reports.

"Politicians and visitors should stay away from the 2018 FIFA World Cup", - Harms stated.

The deputy added that Russia is not the country where it is worth holding such competitions. She named the example of former German President Joachim Gauсk, who refused to attend the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Rebecca Harms stressed that Russian President Vladimir Putin would get too much attention thanks to the championship, and this is wrong.

"He basks in glory in the presence of foreign guests, continuing to pursue his anti-democratic policy, which no democrat can accept", - she added.