
AFU units improved their positions in Donbass without violating the Minsk agreements - ATO Headquarters 12/01/2017 13:18:18. Total views 877. Views today — 0.

The AFU follow the Minsk agreements closely, in accordance with provisions of which they can strengthen or re-equip their positions, relocate within the territories, defined by these agreements, what they did in some areas in the Donetsk direction. This is stated in the report of press center of the ATO Headquarters on Facebook.

"Separate subunits of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donetsk direction improved their tactical position with the aim of improving the conditions for monitoring the enemy and conducting defensive fire in response to provocative shelling of Russian-occupation forces", - the report said.

Earlier, volunteer Serhiy Prytula wrote on his Facebook that Ukrainian military took control of Verkhnyotoretske. "Our boys (within the framework of the Minsk agreements of course) somewhat beat the hell out of the Russian separatists and took complete control of Verkhnyotoretske. The city is completely under our control. No gray zones. Com-plete-ly!!!", - he wrote.