
In Luhansk oblast, Ukrainian military wounded a pensioner from the machine gun 11/15/2017 15:44:42. Total views 814. Views today — 0.

Ukrainian military wounded a pensioner from a machine gun in Popasna in Luhansk oblast. This was reported by the head of the regional administration Serhiy Shakun, - LIGA.net reports.

It is noted that a 64-year-old woman with gunshot wounds was taken to the Dnipropetrovsk regional hospital named after Mechnykov. According to the head physician Serhiy Ryzhenko, the incident occurred on November 13 at 6am in Popasna.

"The woman was lucky, she is 64. She was wounded in Popasna on November 13 at 6 am. She opened the door and was fired at without warning. Gunshot bullet wound of the lower abdomen with a fracture of the locum and sciatic bone, the acetabulum, the femoral head bone, pelvic organs. The condition is critical. She regained consciousness. The next operations are being planned. Our doctors are rescuing the pensioner in the intensive care unit", - Ryzhenko wrote on Facebook.

He noted that the daughter and granddaughter stayed at the victim's house. Fortunately, they did not suffer.

At the same time, the head of the regional administration Serhiy Shakun told that the pensioner was injured by the Ukrainian military.

At the same time, Tetiana Pohukay, police spokeswoman for the Luhansk oblast, refused to comment on the incident in Popasna and offered to apply to the press center of the ATO headquarters for more information.

The ATO headquarters could not provide any comments on the incident. The representative of the press center noted that on November 13, the headquarters of the ATO informed about the detention of the Ukrainian armed forces officer, who "caused bodily harm to a civilian" in Popasna.