
The EU insists on the creation of a separate anti-corruption court in Ukraine 10/10/2017 14:39:51. Total views 848. Views today — 0.

The EU insists on the need to create a separate Anti-Corruption Court and is ready to help with the selection of judges. This is stated in the response of delegation of the EU to Ukraine to the question of Yevropeyska Pravda about the EU's position on the anti-corruption court after the publication of Venice Commission's findings.

The EU notes that the conclusion of Venice Commission is very important in the context of further modernization of Ukraine and "contains a useful clarification of European standards on the creation of specialized anti-corruption judicial bodies".

"The highest specialized anti-corruption court should be created as an independent and separate institution from the existing structure of judiciary and vice versa, the introduction of this court into the existing structure of judiciary by appointing specialized judges in all general local courts, appellate and supreme courts cannot be justified or applied in practice, considering the current legislation and international obligations of Ukraine regarding the creation of a specialized anti-corruption court",- is said in the comment.

The EU also welcomed the intention of President Petro Poroshenko to create an anti-corruption court that would meet the standards of the Council of Europe.

At the same time, the EU expressed its readiness to provide Ukrainian authorities with support in the creation of the Higher Specialized Anti-Corruption Court, which would meet Venice Commission's findings.

"Independence, integrity and professionalism of all judges who will be appointed to the anti-corruption court will be crucial for restoring public confidence in the authorities, and the EU stands ready to promote transparency in the selection of judges, if necessary", - the EU stated.

As previously reported, on Friday, the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) made findings regarding two bills on the establishment of an anti-corruption legal system. In particular, Venice Commission supported the critical decision to create a separate anti-corruption court, given that corruption is a "key problem" in Ukraine.