
Militants block the repair of a number of important facilities in the Donbass: residents can remain without gas and water 10/06/2017 14:05:46. Total views 881. Views today — 0.

Militants of CDDLO block the restoration of critical facilities of civil infrastructure in the Donbass on the eve of heating season, what can have negative consequences. This is stated in the Ukrainian party of the Joint Center for Control and Coordination on ceasefire, - press center of the ATO headquarters reports.

"Despite the numerous appeals of the Ukrainian party of the JCCC to the Russian party of the Joint Center for assistance in providing security guarantees during the execution of repair and restoration work at critical civil infrastructure facilities near the line of delimitation, the management of CDDO and CDLO systematically blocks the solution of these issues", - the report said.

In particular, the list of urgent work at important infrastructure facilities of Donbass includes a number of items. There is an urgent need to carry out works at the phenolic plant (in Novgorodske settlement of the Donetsk oblast) to strengthen the emergency shutdown of dam of sludge reservoir of the third stage of chemical production waste, the infrastructure of which is near the line of delineation of the parties.

"If preventive measures are not taken in due time, destruction of the dam's emergency shutdown and leakage of a significant amount of harmful substances (containing phenol and sulfuric acid) can occur, and this poison can enter the Kryvyi Torets river, and then – the Siverskyi Donets, which is one of the few sources of drinking water for the entire Donetsk oblast. This facility belongs to the objects of increased danger of the 1st class", - the report said.

It is necessary to carry out work in the immediate vicinity of the line of delimitation of the parties – at the dam of holding pond of Bahmutsky Agrarian Union farm business (in Novoluhanske settlement). As the Ukrainian party of the JCCC notes, the delay in repairing this facility can result in an ecological disaster and infections outbreak.

Also, work is required in the immediate vicinity of the line of demarcation of the parties - on repair of gas pipelines to gas-distribution stations near settlements of Marinka (the Donetsk oblast) and Krymske (the Luhansk oblast). It is reported that because of the systematic refusal of management of CDDO and CDLO in providing security guarantees for the restoration work, the launch of gas-distribution stations is impossible.

"As a result of these actions, 6 schools, 5 preschool institutions, 26000 residents of Marinka and Krasnohorivka are not provided with gas for domestic needs and are deprived of the possibility of heating buildings in winter. Also, due to the lack of gas supply, refractory plant, Marinsky bakery and Marinsky dairy enterprise Laktis have to stay idle”, -  the report says.

It is noted that due to the deliberate inactivity of the militants’ management, 1570 consumers and a school in Krymske; 803 consumers, a hospital and 2 schools in the village of Toshkivka; 439 consumers, a kindergarten and a school in Nizhne are left without gas supply.

It is reported that because of constant shelling by the militants, the South Donbass water plant is able to provide only the minimal needs of the civilian population of the region.

The Ukrainian side notes that Voda Donbassa company constantly sends applications for ensuring the safe performance of repair and restoration works on main water pipes.

"The damaged areas located in the so-called "gray zone" are in need of repair. In particular, the section of the main water pipe, which is located between the Donetsk filtering station and Avdiivka, as well as a site in the industrial zone of Avdiivka and Yasynovata road police post", - the report said.

In addition, due to the "negligent inactivity of the management of CDDLO", there is a difficult situation with the provision of civilian population with water, gas and electricity in some regions of the Donetsk and the Luhansk oblasts. It is noted that every day it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain objects of high-risk enterprises in a safe condition, and also to prepare the infrastructure of settlements for the heating season.