
Russia helps the "DNR/LNR" militants to sell Ukrainian coal abroad - Bloomberg 09/29/2017 17:55:34. Total views 980. Views today — 0.

Russia is helping pro-Russian militants in the Donbass to sell coal from seized Ukrainian mines on international markets. This is reported by Bloomberg with reference to Deputy Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation Sergey Nazarov, Ekonomichna Pravda reports.

It is noted that Russia is doing this allegedly so that terrorists can pay pensions and cover other social needs of the inhabitants of the occupied territories in the Donbass.

According to the official, the militants send to Russia about a million tons of coal monthly through the Ukrainian border seized by the Russian forces. Moscow re-exports stolen Ukrainian coal to third countries through its seaports. Nazarov told that the received funds were allegedly allocated to support 4 million residents of the occupied territories of Donbass.

Thus, the official confirmed accusations that Russia is establishing trade links for its militants. "They solve all their problems with social infrastructure, budget and pensions", - Nazarov said, adding that he is looking after "projects in the transport, trade, energy, tax and financial sectors" of the pro-Russian militants.

As previously reported, Deputy Minister for Temporary Occupied Territories Heorhiy Tuka believes that if there is evidence of such illegal export of coal, this may become an occasion for filing suits in international courts.