
The authorities of the "DNR" will not even consider lists for the exchange of prisoners proposed by Ukraine 09/22/2017 16:35:21. Total views 865. Views today — 0.

The authorities of the terrorist "DNR" will not consider the proposal of the Ukrainian side to exchange prisoners under the formula "88 for 313". This was stated by the representative of the “republic” at the talks in Minsk Denis Pushilin.

"I want to say that these figures do not correspond to reality, we do not agree with them, and we will not consider these figures", - the spokesman of the militants said.

He added that the “DNR” considers the lists submitted for discussion in Minsk to be priority, and not those "which Ukraine is trying to submit". Pushilin recalled that the "DNR" insists on the exchange of “all for all”. At the same time, militants demand to include criminals who have nothing to do with the Donbass conflict in their lists.

Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian side agreed to release 313 militants in exchange for 88 Ukrainian hostages.