
Day in ATO zone: one Ukrainian soldier killed, two more wounded 09/15/2017 12:12:32. Total views 946. Views today — 0.

One Ukrainian soldier was killed, two more were wounded in anti-terrorist operation zone in eastern Ukraine on Thursday. This is reported by the press centre of the ATO headquarters.

In total, militants violated the ceasefire 28 times over the past day. The ATO forces opened fire in return 13 times.

After 6 p.m., the militants activated the shelling of the AFU positions in all directions, using 82 mm mortars.

So, the seaside direction was the hottest. Three times, the militants opened fire in the area of Vodiane from grenade launchers and large-caliber machine guns. Seven 82 mm mines were launched by the militants near Marinka. The AFU defences on the outskirts of Pavlopil, Talakivka and Hnutove were under the hostile fire as well.

It the Donetsk direction, the militants fired at the ATO forces near Zaitseve from mortars and IFV weapons, Avdiivka industrial zone was shelled twice from grenade launchers. About 9 p.m., the enemy began shelling the Ukrainian positions near the Butivka mine from grenade launchers and machine guns. The AFU fighters returned fire and forced the militants to observe the ceasefire. As a result of this confrontation, one serviceman of the AFU forces was killed.

In the Luhansk direction, after almost a week's inactivity, the militants fired at the strong points of the AFU near Krymske six times from mortars, various types of grenade launchers and small arms in the evening and at night.