
Deputies call the HQCJ to put the judge to justice for acquittal of the separatist mayor of Debaltsevo 01/13/2016 22:56:27. Total views 1241. Views today — 0.

9 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada from Petro Poroshenko faction call the High Qualification Commission of Judges to put the judge of Konstantinovsk City Court of the Donetsk region Andrey Miroseda who acquitted the mayor of Debaltsevo (Donetsk region) Vladimir Protsenko accused of organization of separatist referendum in the city on May 11th, 2014. This is stated in their appeal to the chairman of the HQCJ Sergey Kozyakov – reports the Ukrainski Novyny.

"We consider it necessary to check a possible violation of law by the judge of Konstantinovsk City Court Miroseda A., which may consist in the provision of obviously illegal decision of the court, as well as rejection of the parties' arguments concerning the contents of the dispute ... If violations of the law are confirmed, the judge will be subject to disciplinary responsibility" – said it.

The appeal states that, according to the findings of the examination of the SSU N8 / 1 of February 16th, 2015, Protsenko did not simply put the issue of providing facilities of the municipal property for a referendum to the vote of the local council but also publicly urged deputies to vote positively.

Among the signatories to appeal there are Mustafa Nayem, Olga Chervakova Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze and Oksana Yurinets.

As previously reported, on December 22nd, 2015 the court found the mayor of Dobaltsevo in Donetsk region Protsenko innocent of the separatist organization of the "referendum" on May 11th, 2014. Protsenko was accused of putting a question of allocating premises for the so-called referendum on the independence of the self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic" when being head at an extraordinary session of the Debaltsevo City Council.