
Rada was not able to remove immunity from the People's Front deputy Yevhen Deidei 07/11/2017 17:50:08. Total views 1197. Views today — 0.

The Verkhovna Rada has not removed immunity from the People's Front deputy Yevhen Deidei, - the correspondent of OstroV reports.

192 people's deputies out of 226 needed voted "for".

The relevant committee of the Verkhovna Rada had earlier recognized submission of the immunity removal from the People's Deputy Yevhen Deidei as unfounded.

In particular, Yevhen Deidei is suspected of unjust enrichment for the amount of almost $200 thousand.

"The income of the Deidei family does not allow them to have that lifestyle which they have and buy that valuable things which they have bought", - the Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko said.