The Prosecutor General Viktor Shchokin did not allow his deputy Vitaly Kasko visit the United States as a part of the official delegation. This deputy Svetlana Zalischuk wrote on her Facebook page.
"I talked with our American colleagues and I share their outrage when at the request of Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office the USA offers assistance in particular in the framework of international cooperation, including the return and the confiscation of property of the previous regime, but the Prosecutor General denies to allow his deputy to go on a business trip to Washington because it’s Kasko. And because we shouldn’t have touched the diamond prosecutors, is it a formal answer? "- wrote Zalishchuk.
She added that Kasko was responsible for international cooperation in the PGO and he was invited to participate in the mission by European and American counterparts.
According to her, this is the fifth denial for Kasko, who is responsible in the Prosecutor General's Office for international cooperation and participation in the missions, where he is invited by the European and American counterparts.
"He got rdenials for the invitations by the Council of Europe and OECD - profile anti-corruption organization," - she wrote.
In addition, she published on her page a copy of a letter from US Embassy in Ukraine in the name of Shchokin.
"You have repeatedly requested US assistance, but now when we make this unique opportunity for your experts, you deny Mr. Kasko to attend. These meetings will give participants the opportunity to discuss with their senior US counterparts both policy and practical issues surrounding anti-corruption reforms. By withholding permission for Mr. Kasko to join the delegation, you can hinder the advancements of the reform efforts,"- said the letter.