
Manager of the "grabbed" by Vneshtorgservis Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works assures that Yenakiieve is not the "DPR", but Ukraine 06/27/2017 15:00:38. Total views 1243. Views today — 0.

Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works grabbed by the "DPR" militants from Rinat Akhmetov tries to illegally establish foreign economic activity, presenting itself as Ukrainian enterprise operating in the Donetsk oblast of Ukraine. This follows from the Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works page in AllBiz catalog.

The enterprise which was illegally transferred by force to the "external management" of ZAO Vneshtorgservis registered in South Ossetia, does not mention that it is located on the occupied territory of the so-called "DPR".

On the contrary, Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works, now called Vneshtorgservice's branch No 2, emphasizes in every possible way that it works in Ukraine, on the territory of the Donetsk oblast.

As previously reported, after the confiscation of enterprises operating under the jurisdiction of Ukraine and transferring them to the so-called "external management", ZAO Vneshtorgservis was registered in South Ossetia. All the "grabbed" enterprises (Donetsksteel Metallurgical Plant, Yenakiieve and Makiivka Iron and Steel Works, Yenakiieve Coke and Chemicals Plant, Yasynuvata Coke and Chemicals Plant, Makiivkoks, Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant, etc.) were transferred under its control and became known as branches of Vneshtorgservis. The South Ossetian residence permit of the "temporary administrator" of Ukrainian plants located on the territory of the "DPR" was explained by the fact that Russia which is interested in obtaining metallurgical and coal products from the enterprises of the occupied Donbass, is not able to work with them directly because of the threat of increased economic sanctions.

South Ossetia is the only one in the world, which recognized the "DPR". But, as it turns out, it is also not able to carry out economic relations with a legally non-existent "republic".