
"Abandoned" property of Altcom, Nadra Ukrayny and Dynamo sports club is being appropriated in the "DPR" 06/16/2017 11:33:31. Total views 1344. Views today — 0.

The so-called "state property fund of the DNR" has filed a suit in the fake "arbitration court of the republic" for the declaration of proprietary rights on the large Ukrainian business, forced to leave the occupied Donbass.

The "fund" asks to recognize large property complexes abandoned and transfer them to his property.

Thus, the authorities of the DPR intend to lend legitimacy to the actual expropriation of the property of several structures of the Altcom financial and industrial group (Altkomavtotrans, Altcom Road Construction, Altcom-Beton), as well as the "abandoned property" of the Nadra Ukrayny National joint stock company.

Furthermore, the "SPF" of terrorists claims the property of Dynamo fitness and sports society and the property of a number of other enterprises and organizations.