
"The invasion was suspended". Militants regained new positions in the grey zone near Donetsk 05/16/2017 15:21:26. Total views 941. Views today — 0.

As a result of the offensive, Pro-Russian militants has regained new positions in the grey zone near Donetsk. This is stated in the message of the press center of the ATO Headquarters.

It notes that "the occupiers have partially occupied new positions in the grey zone near Pisky settlement not far from the temporarily occupied Ukrainian Donetsk".

"The militants opened fire from all small arms at first. Then the enemy artillery began to work, under cover of which the terrorists launched an offensive. Our paratroopers were ready for this and opened fire from small arms and grenade launchers. Having entered the grey zone, the enemy units felt strong resistance and stopped", - was stated in the headquarters.

According to the version of the Special Operations Headquarters, "another invasion was suspended".