
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 04/28/2017 11:01:34. Total views 948. Views today — 0.

Media: "The head of the DPP Alexander Zakharchenko has solemnly launched the work of Silur Khartsyzk Cable Plant. "Today we are present at a historical event. Victory must be not only military: our victory is the opening of the plant. We have to break through the blockade which has been going on since 2014, but we are strong and will definitely break it through. And we will launch not only this plant, but also dozens of other enterprises", - Zakharchenko said at the solemn ceremony of production opening".

Media: "Employees of Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works started launching the plant after two months of shutdown because of the blockade by Ukraine. The lighting of blast furnace for iron smelting was started today. The fifth blast furnace will be able to smelt about three thousand tons of cast iron daily. This is about 1.5 million tons of production per year. The company currently employs over 5300 employees. The workforce is planned to be increased to 7000 with the full launch of Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works".

Media: "The Acting Minister of Justice of the DPR Yelena Radomskaya referred a text of the agreement between the republics on the exchange of persons serving a sentence to the Prosecutor General of the LPR Zaur Ismailov within the framework of her visit to Luhansk. The LPR residents who are serving sentences in the DPR will have the opportunity to be transferred to their homeland in case of signing the agreement. The same opportunity will be given to the residents of the DPR, who are serving sentences in the LPR".

Media: "A column of cars of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia delivered to Donetsk 262 tons of baby food and medicine today. Unloading took place at two warehouses in Donetsk. 10 Russian rescue vehicles delivered 132.5 tons of baby food to Luhansk. Including 5682 food sets or 38.5 tons for children under one year, 12742 sets or 94 tons for children from one to three years".

Media: "Folk festivals, a concert program and fireworks wait for residents of Luhansk on May 9".

Media: ""Current trends in tourism and hospitality industry" first international scientific and practical conference was opened in Donetsk. 180 reports of specialists from seven countries of the world will be presented at it".

"The LPR Prosecutor General's Office": "The LPR Prosecutor General's Office has completed the investigation and sent a criminal case against the head doctor of the Luhansk Republican Clinical Hospital Oleg Volman detained earlier. It was established during the investigation that the head doctor organized a criminal group together with a number of his deputies from 2015 to February 2017, which was engaged in the theft of healthcare and medical products that were admitted to the hospital both at the expense of budgetary funds and by way of humanitarian assistance. Volman is facing a sentence of imprisonment for up to 10 years with confiscation of property".