
Retired militants of the "LPR" shot three workers of a poultry farm for $300 03/27/2017 19:13:09. Total views 1049. Views today — 0.

Armed former militants of the "LPR" have plundered a poultry farm in the occupied Luhansk region, having killed two woman workers and hardly wounded another woman. This is reported by users in social networks.

The incident happened at Agro-Yug LLC poultry farm late in the evening of March 24.

"According to the local residents: submachine gun burst began to be heard at about 22-30 (of March 24 - ed) in the direction of krynychki. It could be heard as they moved towards the farm. People who were at the farm began to hide. The security apparently went out to check the situation and got under fire. Two women, the residents of Bairachky and Zorynsk settlements, were killed. One woman, the security guard from Komisarivka, is in intensive care unit. A 2-year-old child is waiting her home. All is cordoned off by police", - the statement said.

It is also reported that the attack was committed with a view to robbery. "They robbed the cash register for $300 and left", — one of the users wrote.

According to the "official" information that appeared in the network, the suspects were detained. They fought earlier in the so-called "People's Militia of the "LPR".  Two AK-74 assault rifles and blood-stained clothes were confiscated by a search. The weapons remained after their service on the side of the militants.