
Three Ukrainian soldiers killed, eight injured in ATO area 03/27/2017 16:10:26. Total views 872. Views today — 0.

Over the past day, three Ukrainian soldiers were killed, eight were injured in the ATO zone. This was reported at the briefing on ATO issues.

The situation in the zone of the Anti-Terrorist Operation has become more intense as militants have attacked 88 times the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the past day, according to the ATO Headquarters.

The shelling was most intensive on the Mariupol line. The epicenters of fire confrontation were in Shyrokine and Vodiane as these settlements’ defenders came under enemy fire from 122mm artillery systems, 120mm mortars, grenade launchers of various types, and large-caliber machine guns. Marines stationed in Shyrokine were shelled from an enemy tank and fired at by snipers. The enemy fired 120 mortars on the defenders of Hnutove, Pavlopil, Lebedinske, and Talakivka. In the area of Novotroitske, the Russian-occupation forces fired from infantry fighting vehicles. Near Krasnohorivka and Maryinka, the enemy actively used grenade launchers and large-caliber machine guns.

The situation was also intense in the Donetsk direction, where the enemy used a wide range of heavy weapons against Ukrainian soldiers. Russian-occupation forces hit the defenders of Troitske from 152mm artillery systems, 120mm and 82mm mortars. 120mm mortars were also used by the enemy near Avdiyivka and Luhanske. 82mm mortar rounds were fired at the defenders of Kamenka, Verkhnetoretske and Avdiyivka. A tank fired at Ukrainian soldiers near Kamenka, and an IFV – at Ukrainian strong points near Verkhnetoretske and Pesky. Enemy snipers were active near Troitske.

In Luhansk region, the enemy fired at the defenders of Novozvanivka from anti-tank assault weapons. Grenade launchers were used against the defenders of Novooleksandrivka, Katerynivka and Krymske.

Russian-occupation troops also shelled residential areas of Avdiyivka from Grad-P MLR systems.

In order to suppress enemy fire, our units opened fire in response.