
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 03/02/2017 11:58:12. Total views 929. Views today — 0.

Media: "Ukraine has not fulfilled the ultimatum on lifting the blockade of the Donbass, external control is being introduced in this regard at the enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction in the DPR. This was stated by the Head of the Republic Alexander Zakharchenko. "About 40 enterprises are under external control", - he said. Zakharchenko added that none of the Ukrainian owners got in touch with representatives of the DPR. "Everything is proceeding according to the plan, the enterprises are introduced to the external control from today's midnight (March 1). We are going to finish everything till today's evening", - he said".

Media: "The Head of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky ordered to develop a plan of reorientation of the economy to Russia. "Taking into account the fact that we introduce our administration at all Ukrainian enterprises, now we reorient our economy to Russia and other countries", - Plotnitsky said".

"The authorized representative of the LPR at the Minsk negotiations" Vladislav Danego: "The decision of Kyiv about the transit of a number of goods across the border line of contact is only a lifeboat for the Ukrainian government in the situation of collapse of the economy of the country and another imitation of the end of blockade of the People's Republics, in regard to the residents of which Ukrainian leadership continues the antinational policy".

Media: "The LPR and DPR logical and timely decided to introduce the government control at enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction working in the Republics. Such opinion was expressed by the leader of the famous St. Petersburg's rock group Dekabr Mikhail Semionov".

Media: "Illumination of the largest sports facility of the Donetsk People's Republic – Donbass-Arena stadium which was turned on last night has become a sign of the impending victory of the DPR in the confrontation with the Ukrainian regime. This was stated by the Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko. "Donbass-Arena stadium was really shining today. It was done by the Donetsk People's Republic, and it was the first sign of our victory", - the leader of the Donbass stressed".

Media: "The DPR and LPR called the OSCE special monitoring mission to provide the public organizations of the Republic with access to the especially dangerous infrastructure facilities from the standpoint of ecology in the occupied territories of the Donbass".

Media: "The Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko visited Yuzovsky Metallurgical Plant. He met the workforce and discussed the preparations of the plant to the full run. The head of the steelshop Vladislav Syrovatskiy noted that only details produced locally are used to run the enterprise. The director of the enterprise Alexander Zubov, in his turn, informed Zakharchenko about the plans to increase the salaries to employees of YMP after its full run. The run of Yuzovsky Metallurgical Plant is planned for early summer".

"The Head of the DPR Ministry of Communications" Victor Yatsenko: "Ukrainian party turned off the internet and outputs outside the DPR at the time of the introduction of external control at Ukrtelecom enterprise. Specialists of the Ministry of Communications make all possible efforts necessary for the speedy renewal of the services on a full scale provided earlier by the communications enterprise".

"The Deputy Commander of the DPR Operational Command" Eduard Basurin: "We have received the information that installation of equipment with microwave emission of waves to suppress the television signals that are broadcasted from the territory of the DPR is planned in Pokrovsk".

Media: "The Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics presented humanitarian program for the reunification of the people of the Donbass at negotiations in the Belarusian capital today. It is humanitarian assistance to compatriots living in the controlled by the Ukrainian authorities part of the Donbass. The main goal of the program is to support the underprivileged citizenry. It includes provision of a number of services, including financial assistance".

Media: "The resident of Donetsk Valentina Buchok was detained by the employees of the Ministry of State Security of the DPR on suspicion of espionage. The detained worked as electrician at the PJSC DTEK that gave her the opportunity to gain access to homes and apartments of servicemen and go into the territory of industrial and municipal enterprises of Donetsk freely".

Media: "The Ministry of Housing and Building of the DPR started the implementation of the first stage of the program of thorough overhaul, modernization and restoration of lift equipment that was damaged in the course of shelling".

Media: "Trade unions of healthcare workers of the DPR and St. Petersburg signed an agreement on collaboration and cooperation".

Media: "The youth of Luhansk honored the memory of Pskov paratroopers killed in Chechnya in 2000 in unequal battle with the militants".

Media: "The Occupational Injury and Disease Insurance Fund of the DPR provided 477 residents with prosthetic and orthopaedic appliances from 2015 in the fulfillment of the order of the Head of the Republic Alexander Zakharchenko".

Media: "Students of political studies of the Luhansk National University named after Vladimir Dal concluded an agreement on cooperation with representatives of the Donetsk National University (DNU) during a videoconference on "the Donbass in the context of changes on the world political scene".

Media: Residents of the LPR and DPR will be able to take out a subscription for periodical of both Republics from mid-April".

Media: "Five sets of judicial dress and 48 ice hockey sticks joined the arsenal of Hockey Federation and figure skating of the DPR. The gifts were handed over by the vice president of the hockey association of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District of the Russian Federation Yuri Voroniuk".