
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 02/21/2017 11:00:07. Total views 1045. Views today — 0.

"Deputy commander of the DPR operational command" Eduard Basurin: "At the moment, the Ukrainian party fulfills its obligations, we do not see any violations. We can say that there were no attacks since midnight".

"Operational Command of the DPR": "Withdrawal of military equipment from the line of contact in the DPR is scheduled on Tuesday, February 21".

The company "Donbass Water": "Electricity supply was restored at the Donetsk filter plant, which was partially damaged after the shelling on February 18. The filter plant is expected to resume its work on February 21 while maintaining the ceasefire".

"The Human Rights Commissioner of the DPR" Daria Morozova: "Decree of the President of Russia on the recognition of the DPR documents has become the epitome of a true democracy, the implementation of international humanitarian law and caring for residents of Donbass, the protection of their rights and freedoms".

"Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPR" Natalia Nikonorova: "The representatives of the Italian business community will visit Donetsk from 20 to 23 February. The delegates will meet with representatives of several ministries and departments to discuss possible ways of cooperation".

"First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the DPR" Mikhail Kushakov: "Provisional recognition of the DPR documents will accelerate the country's integration into the Russian educational, scientific and cultural fields".

Media: "The LPR MIA employees have withdrawn from illegal circulation more than 1800 weapons and ammunition for the past week, including heavy machine gun and grenade launcher, as well as more than 2.7 kg of explosives".

Media: "From 6 to 12 February, the LPR police seized more than 10 kg of narcotics and narcotic plants".

Media: "The trade unions of workers of education of the LPR and Moscow signed an agreement on cooperation".

Media: "Activists of children's and youth organization Young Guard, together with the LPR State TV and Radio Company begin a series of public readings of excerpts of Alexander Fadeyev's novel "Young Guard".

Media: "Karateka of the DPR passed the qualifying stage of the Russian Federation and received the right to participate in the Karate World Championship in Moscow, which is scheduled for November 2017".

Media: "From 13 to 19 February, 97 babies were born in Donetsk: 60 boys and 37 girls".

Media: "The President of the Council of Ministers of the LPR Sergey Kozlov congratulated his compatriots on the Carnival week".

Media: "On February 26, in Donetsk Shcherbakova park a traditional festival of Carnival will be held. It will be held for the third time in the history of the DPR. For the inhabitants of Donetsk and guests of the city there will be available free tea and sweet pancakes".

Media: "First Deputy Head of Administration of the Kuibyshev district of Donetsk Marina Nechayeva and the head of the executive committee of the local branch of the movement "Donetsk Republic" Inna Bondarenko met with personnel of the republican dermatovenereological dispensary".