
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 02/10/2017 10:50:04. Total views 1245. Views today — 0.

"The leader of the DPR" Oleksandr Zakharchenko: "We are forced to avenge Givi, to start an offensive. This is the failure of the Minsk agreements. But this attack will be absolutely ill-conceived, so we will prepare, and we will avenge Givi in ​​any case".

Media: "The building of the Somali unit staff, which was affected by the terrorist act, will be restored. This was announced by Minister of Construction and Housing of the DPR Serhiy Naumets. "According to the order of the DPR leader, this building has become a priority object, which will be restored", - Naumets said".

"People's Council of the DPR": "All 96 People's Council deputies are actively involved in the campaign to collect signatures under the appeal to the leaders of the West and Russia on the situation in the Donbass. They meet with the people in schools, administrations, at gatherings, enterprises, social facilities, hospitals, as well as through outreach methods in all the cities".

"Operational Command of the DPR": "Three soldiers of the DPR army were killed, one was wounded in result of the shelling".

Media: "The leader of the DPR Oleksandr Zakharchenko dismissed the Acting Information Minister Olena Nikitina. Nikitina’s successor is her former deputy Ihor Antipov".

"Ministry of Agriculture of the DPR": "The DPR company, which received a quota on the export of flour, began to enter into export contracts with Russian companies. Such flour export will be the first time for the DPR. The first batch of shipment will reach 6000 tons".

"Post service of the LPR": "From February 9, citizens of the DPR can send money in to the LPR from the local post offices. The service of money transferring is still in a test mode".

Media: "Slavyanoserbsky district of the LPR celebrated the Day of anti-fascist young hero with courage lessons, poster contests and a flash mob. Schools held a contest of posters titled Little Hero of the Big War".