
Marchuk sees a problem in German Foreign Ministry’s position of possible Donbass elections with Russian troops presence 02/09/2017 15:39:20. Total views 1119. Views today — 0.

Yevhen Marchuk sees a problem for Ukraine that the German Foreign Ministry confirmed the statements of their ambassador about the possibility of holding elections in the occupied territory of the Donbass before the withdrawal of the Russian troops. The representative of Ukraine in the security subgroup of Trilateral Contact Group on the peaceful settlement of the situation in the Donbass wrote that on his Facebook page.

"It seems that it may be a problem for us", - Yevhen Marchuk wrote, commenting on the German Foreign Ministry approval of their ambassador in Ukraine Ernst Reichel’s statement about the possibility of elections in the Russian controlled Donbass.

"This is not contrary to our position: our effort is to return Ukraine the sovereignty over its entire territory... This is the aim of the Minsk negotiations", - Ukrinform quotes the official Representative of the German Foreign Ministry Martin Schaefer.

However, Schaefer said that "these local elections, under the terms of the Minsk agreements, may take place no earlier than two sides agree to the appropriate mode (the elections on the territories which are not controlled by Ukrainian government - ed.)".

As reported earlier, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany to Ukraine Ernst Reichel said the holding the elections in the occupied territory of the Donbass is possible before the withdrawal of the Russian military units.