
Procedure of the conviction in absentia concerning the "people's governor" Gubarev is initiated – Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine 01/24/2017 15:07:15. Total views 1071. Views today — 0.

Special judicial investigation procedure concerning the "people's governor" Pavel Gubarev who organized mass disturbances in Donetsk in March 2014 is initiated. It is reported by the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine.

The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine agreed upon the petition of investigators of the Security Service of Ukraine about the beginning of a special pre-trial investigation procedure (conviction in absentia) of the citizen of Ukraine - the leader of the so-called "people's militia of Donbass" and the so-called "people's governor of the Donetsk region".

He is suspected of committing criminal offenses under Part 1 Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (public calls for change and the overthrow of the constitutional order and the seizure of state power), Part 2 Art. 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (deliberate actions in order to change the borders and territory of the state boundary of Ukraine), Part 1 Art. 258-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (creation and management of a terrorist organization) and Part 1 Art. 294 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (organization of mass disorders).

"It is established that the citizen of Ukraine, being in Donetsk during February - March 2014, in order to overthrow the constitutional order and change the boundaries of the territory of the state, has entered into a criminal conspiracy with other persons with whom he was carried out the seizure of the premises of authorities and local government in the course of mass disorders, that was accompanied by resistance to the members of the law enforcement forces", - the statement said.

The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine reminds that such actions have paralyzed the work of the state institutions in this territory that "made it impossible to restore the rule of law and led to the creation of the "DPR" terrorist organization".

It is referred to Pavel Gubarev who proclaimed himself the "people's governor" of Donetsk oblast in 2014. Gubarev was unable to seize these opportunities: agiler fellows pushed him back from the control of the self-proclaimed "republic". He complained in the separatist media that there was no suitable "position" for the "people's governor" in the occupied territory. At the same time Gubarev has quite well "raised" materially on the wake of the "Russian Spring". According to the media reports, he owns Shtalman restaurant in the occupied Donetsk now.