
Zhebrivskyi sees no other option than the military one to liberate Kominternovo and other Ukrainian towns (Video) 12/24/2015 11:49:12. Total views 1415. Views today — 0.

The chairman of Donetsk Regional State Administration Pavel Zhebrivskyi does not exclude military option to liberate occupied by militants Kominternovo village and other towns of Donetsk region. He said this today in Mariupol.

"We need to liberate Kominternovo and other Ukrainian towns and villages ... I will probably say unpopular things but I see only military option ... Of course, we will do everything possible and necessary. But humiliating Ukrainians who live on the temporarily occupied territories and brainwashing lead to such a watershed between families, between friends, who live in the territory there and in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. And actually this abscess needs sooner or later be opened. We would like it to be in a peaceful way, but really, if you cannot do it, you have to use other ways, because this is Ukrainian territory, where Ukrainian citizens and they should be under the Ukrainian jurisdiction," - said Zhebrivskyi on video uploaded by 0629 website.

According to the governor, the formation of "DPR" took Kominternovo in revenge for entering of Ukrainian forces in Pavlopol and Pishchevik.

Zhebrivskyi noted that since Pavlopol and Pishchevik , according to the Minsk agreements, are included in the zone of influence of the Ukrainian authorities, the checkpoints were transferred from the territory of these settlements. According to the governor, the "DNR" explain the seizure of Kominternovo by the fact that according to Minsk agreements the village is in the zone of influence of the "DPR".

So, they took Kominternovo, Zaichenko and Vodyanoye in revenge, and it is a problem because there they placed a garrison there - said Pavel Zhebrivskyi.