
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlighs. 12/22/2016 10:04:50. Total views 937. Views today — 0.

"Operational Command of the DPR": "The situation on the contact line near Debaltsevo could have been worse if not regularly interfered by the Russian officers from the monitor group of compliance with the Minsk Protocol. If any violation occurs, they quickly ask for "quiet mode". It gives an opportunity to monitor the situation in the area."

"The official representative of the DPR People’s Militia" Andriy Marochko: "As a result of violent clashes on Debaltsevo direction in the period from 20 to 21 December, covering the regrouping of our units in a defensive battle, two our soldiers passed away."

"The head of the Luhansk People's Republic Militia" Oleg Anaschenko: "The bodies of the two Armed Forces of Ukraine soldiers were taken to the Debaltsevo morgue. They were killed while attempting to break in the region of the village of Kalinovka. The bodies were found at the positions of the LPR, where the attempt was previously undertaken. The corpses were dressed in the Ukrainian uniform and had Ukrainian chevrons. These bodies were brought to the morgue of Debaltsevo for further decisions."

"Acting Minister of Health of the LPR" Igor Solyanik: “Doctors of the republic are 100% ready to provide assistance to wounded members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We conducted a meeting with the doctors. None of the them was surprised and it wasn’t new for them, because the doctors had already taken part in the rescue of Ukrainian military personnel during the hostilities."

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR": "Investigative team conducted a series of investigations and assessments of the car fire, which occurred on December 20 on Artema Str., Donetsk. It was found out that the explosion occurred because of incorrectly installed gas equipment. The driver of the vehicle was not far away at that time. The victim got a heart attack and was hospitalized. According to doctors, his condition is regarded as moderate."

Media: "Luhansk regional museum opened an exhibition "The Soviet Union through the years. Little things of the big country". Exhibitors have tried using common household items to recreate the atmosphere of the era from 1922 to the end of the 1980s."

"The Ministry of Construction and Housing of the DPR": "The Donetsk weather forecasters were right. At night of December 21, the temperature fell to 17 degrees below zero. Focusing on the forecast, utilities planned to eliminate the consequences of the rough weather. On Tuesday, it took more than six thousand employees of public utilities. They were assisted by 203 units of special equipment."

Media: "The Ministry of Transport DPR launched two new international routes connecting Donetsk with Minsk and Nizhny Novgorod. Buses to Nizhny Novgorod will leave at 12 am from the “Yuzhnaya” Donetsk bus station, the travel time will be 32 hours. It will take about 38 hours to get to Minsk, the transport will depart at half past eight in the morning on Saturdays. Cost of the ticket to Minsk is 5030 rubles and 4337 rubles to Nizhny Novgorod."

Media: "The pupils of the Moscow school № 56 sent about 500 kilos of humanitarian aid and New Year’s gifts for pupils of Donetsk school № 56."