
Tuesday events on the occupied territories of Donbass 09/14/2016 09:56:22. Total views 915. Views today — 0.

Deputy of the "People's Council of the "DPR" Yelena Melnik: "We plan to supply agricultural products to South Ossetia since there is a lack of them there. The issue of supplying of mineral water from the South Ossetian to us is also being discussed."

"Leader of the "LPR" Igor Plotnitsky: "I gave the corresponding instructions, at 00.00 on September 15th, 2016 "ceasefire" starts. All units of the People's Militia of the Luhansk People's Republic are strictly forbidden to open fire in response to the attacks and provocations on the part of the Ukrainian army and the National Guard."

Leader of the "DPR" Alexander Zakharchenko: "We can announce that as of 00.00 on September 15th we stop any attacks on the territory, conduction of any military operations and calling on the Ukrainian side to take it seriously, and, in fact, to show that they are willing to do it rather than claim declaratively."

Head of the Information Resistance group Dmitry Tymchuk: "Authorities of the "DPR" issued an order on the need to obey standard discipline and not to admit the existence of "dead souls" in the "1st SMRB" and "5th SMRB" of the occupants. Commissions also start to work in these "brigades" to verify the number of terrorists with staff register."

Chairman of the Trade Union Federation (TUF) of the "LPR" Oleg Akimov: "We expect the first group of tourists from Finland in October, they will arrive in Donetsk, stay in our city."

Makeyevka "city administration": "Tests of industrial explosives will be conducted from 13 to 16 of September, from 19 to 23 of September and from 26 to 30 of September on the territory of Makeyevka Research Institute for the explosives to be admitted to the use in the coal mines of the DPR."

Media: "In general, these primaries will be superficial, it is a beautiful television image, but the majority of Donbass residents will not participate."

Media: "Mayor" of Donetsk Igor Martynov received a diploma of "Doctor of Economics."

Media: "Union of theatrical activists of the DPR with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science launched a series of literary readings in the framework of the Classic for children cultural and educational event."