
"MSS" told that a group of teenagers - "Ukrainian saboteurs" blew up the entire column of militants’ cars 09/12/2016 13:27:11. Total views 960. Views today — 0.

The "DPR" said the group of minors instructed by the AFU had allegedly arranged undermining of several military vehicles and civilian objects. It was reported by the so-called "Ministry of State Security of the DPR".

"It was established that in the period from May 2015 to June 2016 the group of minors including: Kovalchuk, Belavin, Pazushko, Khmelenko, Solodovnikova, Mironov and Koval committed undermining of civilians’ cars, military communications vehicles, MPATT, official vehicle of the Yasinovataya Department of the MIA and other civilian and military facilities," - said the statement.

The fake agency reports that they are now establishing "all members of the above groups".

As previously reported, the rebels started to arrest teenagers, accusing them of sabotage, allegedly committed by the order of "the special services of Ukraine".