
"No Norman format." Trilateral meeting of Putin, Hollande and Merkel fails to take place 08/30/2016 20:51:05. Total views 913. Views today — 0.

The trilateral meeting at the summit of G20 in Chinese Hangzhou between Russian President Vladimir Putin head of France Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will not take place. It was stated by Russian President's aide Yuriy Ushakov, - reports zn.ua.

According to Ushakov, instead Putin will meet with the French President on September 4th and with the German Chancellor on September 5th.

"We are planning to hold another bilateral meeting with President Hollande. It is not completely fixed, but agreed that the Presidents of Russia and France will hold another bilateral contacts in Hangzhou," - quotes Interfax his words.

According to Ushakov, Putin's meeting with Merkel is being agreed at the moment. He said that European leaders had refused to meet because of the busy schedule.

"In the beginning it was agreed to hold a trilateral meeting to discuss the current situation in Ukraine thoroughly, the way of further cooperation in the framework of the Norman format of the Minsk process, but then our colleagues preferred, referring to the busy schedule, to hold two bilateral meetings that will be held separate with Hollande and German Chancellor Merkel," - he said.

At the same time, Ushakov said that the topic of separate meetings would be the situation in Ukraine, but the negotiations, in the "Norman" format, which the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko offered to carry out, would not take place at the summit.

The Kremlin refused to consider any possibilty of such a meeting after the "incident in the Crimea". "You are right: if three members of the Norman format meet separately, then no Norman format will take place in China," - he concluded.

As reported earlier, on August 23rd leaders of Russia, Germany and France agreed to meet in the sidelines of the G20 summit in China, which will be held on September 4th-5th and discuss the situation in Ukraine.