
Most of the "Ukrainian subversives" were residents of the Crimea with Russian passports – Kommersant 08/11/2016 13:36:07. Total views 1001. Views today — 0.

Most of the detained, according to the FSS, "Ukrainian subversives" are residents of the Crimea and some of them had Russian passports. It is reported by the Russian Kommersantwith the reference to its own sources.

The newspaper quotes source’s words, according to which, these residents of the Crimea "were transported in an inflatable boat through the Isthmus of Perekop to Armyansk area". The newspaper doesn’t explain why residents of the Crimea had to travel to their place of residence in such a complicated way. Kommersant also wonders how "the group managed to pass the border posts."

There is other surprising information that "subversives" who, according to the source, intended to make a series of explosions in the resort areas to disrupt the holiday season, did not take care of the minimal disguise. "Subversives" who allegedly came to the Crimea "were dressed in camouflage of the Soviet-style".