
Oshchadbank started issuing electronic pension certificates 08/01/2016 19:22:39. Total views 975. Views today — 0.

Oshchadbank started issuing electronic pension certificates as of August 1st. It was announced by chairman of Oshchadbank board Andrey Pyshnyi on his Facebookpage.

"Today Oshchad launched electronic pension certificates and the exchange of pension cards for electronic ones. They are issued free of charge exclusively at customer’s request. Important: a failure to obtain such a certificate will not lead to failure to receive a pension," – he said.

According to him, displaced pensioners will receive the first certificates.

Earlier it was reported that all government payments to internally displaced persons would be carried out exclusively through network and accounts of Oshchadbank.

You can get an e-pension certificate for free by writing an application to the Pension Fund at the place of actual residence. A month later you need to refer to the Oshchadbank department to conclude a contract, get a card and then activate it.

In addition, forced migrants will need, at first twice, and then once a year to go to the Oshchadbank department for physical identification.