
Thursday events on the occupied territories of Donbass 07/15/2016 15:47:37. Total views 903. Views today — 0.

Media: "More than a thousand residents of Donetsk came out today for a rally in the center of the DPR capital to protest against the failure of Ukraine to fulfill the Minsk Agreements."

Media: "Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko signed the law "On Freedom of Worship and Religious Associations". Vice-Speaker of the DPR parliament Olga Makeyeva said that actively scheduled and unscheduled inspections in order would be carried out to counter extremist, terrorist and sectarian activities in religious organizations."

"Chairman of the People's Council of the LPR Vladimir Degtyarenko": "People's Council of the LPR adopted 25 laws in the first half of 2016, another 70 are now being prepared for adoption."

"Acting Minister of Industry and Trade of the DPR Alexey Granovsky": "Yuzokavka electrometallurgy plant will be opened on the basis of Donetsk steel plant in two - maximum three months."

Media: "The DPR adopted amendments to the law of the DPR "On the tax system" which prohibits sale of alcoholic beverages in non-stationary points of sale - stalls and tents."

Media: "Ukraine closes prisons and sends repeat offenders to the ATO area."

Media: "Taking into consideration, weighty contribution metallurgists to development of the region, Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko s established a professional holiday in the republic - Metallurgist's Day which is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of July."

Media: "As a result of shelling in Trudovskiye at night on July 14th , 14 damages of gas distribution pipelines were found by Donbassgaz emergency teams in Ratsionalizatorov Street and Sotsgorodok Street in three pipeline sections."

Media: "People's Council of the LPR is developing a draft law on the status of combatants".