
Examination confirmed the involvement of the accused Berkut employees in the killings on Maidan – GPOU 07/05/2016 22:17:56. Total views 1219. Views today — 0.

The Court concluded the study of ballistic examination in the case of five former Berkut employees on shooting 48 members of Maidan: according to the representative of the GPOU, the examination of the bullets and fragments removed from the bodies of dead and wounded protesters on Maidan confirmed the involvement of the accused in the crime. It is reported by LIGABusinessInform.

"The last examination managed to establish accurate machine guns that were assigned to a special unit (Kiev Berkut - Ed.), with which protesters were wounded and killed. Examination established that specific machine guns were assigned to specific employees," - told prosecutor of the GPOU Alexey Donskoy to journalists during the break in the court.

After the break, Svyatoshinskiy District Court will continue to examine the evidence for the prosecution in the case of former Berkut employees Pavel Abroskin, Sergey Zinchenko, Alexander Marinchenko, Sergei Tamtura and Oleg Yanishevskyi.

On January 26th the court handed over the case of five ex-fighters of Berkut - Pavel Abroskin and Sergey Zinchenko suspected of shooting on Maidan, and deputy Berkut regiment commander Oleg Yanishevskyi and his two subordinates. The trial is going on.